Popular Articles

  1. Ratings

  2. Install Zendesk App

    Install the app from the Zendesk Marketplace . To create a custom version of the app or look behind the scenes, download it from our Github repository . The KnowledgeOwl Zendesk App helps agents by... Suggesting relevant articles based on the...
  3. Publishing status

    Learn what each of the publishing statuses means and does.
  4. HTML Zip export

  5. Troubleshooting software issues

    Having trouble with the software? Here are common troubleshooting techniques that often help.
  6. Popular Articles List

    Learn how to configure your Popular Articles list
  7. File Library: Manage images and files

    Every image or file uploaded in KnowledgeOwl is stored to your File Library. Learn the tools available to manage and work with your File Library.
  8. Comment security

    Learn about the security measures in place for comments.
  9. File Labels

    Use file labels to filter the files you've uploaded to KnowledgeOwl.
  10. Article Lists

    Learn which automatic article lists are available and how they work.