Popular Articles

  1. Create Tickets from Customers in your Help Desk or CRM

    Set up the Contact Form to automatically email or create tickets when a reader reaches out.
  2. File Library: Manage images and files

    Every image or file uploaded in KnowledgeOwl is stored to your File Library. Learn the tools available to manage and work with your File Library.
  3. Display Microsoft Office OneDrive files in articles

    How to embed OneDrive files directly in your knowledge base
  4. Salesforce configuration intro

    Salesforce SSO will restrict access to your knowledge base to only individuals with a valid login to your Salesforce account. Readers logged in to Salesforce will be able to access your knowledge base, and anyone who tries to access your knowledge b...
  5. HTML Zip export

  6. How search works

    Ever wanted to understand how the various pieces of search work together to return results? This section's for you.
  7. Share articles between categories and knowledge bases

    You can use a single article in multiple categories and across knowledge bases. The content (body) of the article as well as all versions stay in sync across all shared articles. Each article can have its own title, restrictions, and callouts. These...
  8. Link to article or category

    Use the Link to Article or Category option in the editor to create an ID-based hyperlink to an article or category in your knowledge base.
  9. Create Zendesk Tickets

    You can set up your contact form and Contextual Help Widget (2.0) to automatically create tickets in your Zendesk account. The contact form will then create tickets via the API as your specified user and include some helpful metadata in a privat...
  10. Endpoint reference