Popular Articles

  1. Table of contents & organization

    Set whether your Table of Contents shows categories expanded by default, add links or a search bar to your TOC, and more.
  2. Create Zendesk Tickets

    You can set up your contact form and Contextual Help Widget (2.0) to automatically create tickets in your Zendesk account. The contact form will then create tickets via the API as your specified user and include some helpful metadata in a privat...
  3. Use SurveyGizmo Surveys to Generate Content in KnowledgeOwl

    Use SurveyGizmo's HTTP Connect action to take content from a survey response and push it straight to KnowledgeOwl to create a new article.
  4. Reader Groups

    Learn how to use reader groups to segregate content.
  5. Article templates

    Learn how to mark an article as a template so it can be used as a starting template for creating future articles.
  6. Snippet to force page breaks in PDFs

    For individual article PDFs as well as the standard and custom PDF export options, sometimes a page break comes between two chunks of content you'd like to stay together (such as a numbered step and the screenshot that goes with that numbered st...
  7. Create a private knowledge base with different content for different readers

    Learn how to restrict content to different readers in a KnowledgeOwl knowledge base.
  8. Create Freshdesk Tickets

    Learn how to set up your Contact Form to create tickets in Freshdesk.
  9. Table of contents & organization

  10. Default HTML and CSS