Updated Articles

  1. Open and edit versions

    Learn how to navigate around the Versions list.
  2. Generate a version PDF

    Generate a PDF of an inactive version, either for historical or review purposes!
  3. In-app version review process, custom content categories

    Learn how to mark custom content category versions as ready for review.
  4. Article in-app version review process

    Learn how to mark article versions as ready for review and use a Manage filter to review them.
  5. 🪀 Nat'l Yo-yo Day bugfixes New

    These fixes address issues with passing parameters via the URL using the API, supporting .webp images, and favicons in Google's search results pages.
  6. 🐈 Nat'l Hairball Awareness Day Bugfixes

    These bugfixes address issues with SSO logins without SAML mapping, favicon file references, and customized reader welcome emails.
  7. 🐾Revisions now tracked for all versions

    We are now tracking recent revisions for all versions created or edited after 12 April 2024.
  8. 🩴 Nat'l Flip Flop Day bugfixes

    These fixes address bugs with revisions diff comparison and Firefox.
  9. Roadmap

    See an overview of our largest upcoming projects.
  10. Add alternative text to images

    Learn how to add alternative text to images.