New Articles

  1. Ratings

  2. Move articles between levels

    In Knowledge Base > Articles , in addition to reordering content inside the current level , you can also: Move articles and categories to the top category level Move articles and categories into other categories (note that some category type...
  3. Reorder articles

    Reorder categories or articles by rearranging their order in Knowledge Base > Articles .  Hover over the article or category you want to move. Click on the up and down arrow icon to the right of each category or article, and drag and drop the ...
  4. PDF look and feel

  5. Search look and feel

  6. Homepage look and feel

  7. October 23, 2019

    Features New embeddable version of the help widget - Widget 2.0 Beta released Official announcement will come after first round of testing and verification
  8. Display Microsoft Office OneDrive files in articles

    How to embed OneDrive files directly in your knowledge base
  9. October 3, 2019

    Bug Fixes In certain rare cases, content categories were rendering incorrect information in full PDF and custom PDF downloads Certain canonical links that had query strings were not being properly encoded and were causing incorrect 404 errors ...
  10. Widget authentication--when and how to use it

    Learn what the widget authentication options are and when authentication is required for the widget to function properly.