New Articles

  1. Use SurveyGizmo Surveys to Generate Content in KnowledgeOwl

    Use SurveyGizmo's HTTP Connect action to take content from a survey response and push it straight to KnowledgeOwl to create a new article.
  2. Salesforce configuration intro

    Salesforce SSO will restrict access to your knowledge base to only individuals with a valid login to your Salesforce account. Readers logged in to Salesforce will be able to access your knowledge base, and anyone who tries to access your knowledge b...
  3. Body Merge Codes

    Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Body.  All merge codes except "contents" will also work inside articles. Template Merge Code Description Example [template(" project-logo...
  4. Format numbered list spacing and borders

    Use Custom CSS to change the default spacing and border styles for lists. The example here is for numbered lists.
  5. Homepage Merge Codes

    Learn the HTML merge codes you can use to display information from your Homepage content editor other places.
  6. Article Merge Codes

    Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style, Custom HTML > Article.  Many can also be used directly within individual articles, categories, and subcategories. Template Merge Code Description Example ...
  7. Reader Merge Codes

    Use this list of merge codes to add or display information about your reader in your knowledge base.
  8. Widget Installation

    To install the widget in your site or application, you will need to have access to make updates to the HTML code. Once you have access, follow these steps to install the widget: In KnowledgeOwl go to Settings > Widget . Configure the widget to...
  9. Comment restrictions and permissions

    Learn more about the Restrict commenters and Restrict visibility options in Settings > Comments.
  10. Comment security

    Learn about the security measures in place for comments.