New Articles

  1. Required Reading reporting

    All required reading acknowledgements are stored in the Required Reading report, which can be downloaded in CSV format.
  2. Make individual articles required

    Mark articles as required and set a Start Date to have them show as required for your readers.
  3. Access the Required Reading page

    The Required Reading page is automatically created at /required-reading in your knowledge base. Learn more about how the page works.
  4. Section breakdown: Required Reading

    A full list of the Default Text Strings available in the Required Reading Knowledge Base Section with accompanying screenshots to show how they're used
  5. Enable Required Reading

    Follow these steps to fully configure and enable Required Reading.
  6. Add the Acknowledgements section to your article template

    Add the acknowledgements merge code into your Custom Article HTML template wherever you'd like it to appear in articles.
  7. Add the Required Reading flag to your Right Column template

    If you're using a layout with the Right Column displayed, add the Required Reading flag merge code into your Right Column HTML template wherever you'd like the flag to appear.
  8. Add the Required Reading flag to your article template

    Add the Required Reading flag merge code into your Custom HTML Article template wherever you'd like the flag to appear.
  9. Required Reading overview

    Learn more about setting up required reading. When a reader views an article that is required, they'll see a message in the article itself and a checkbox to acknowledge that they've read it.
  10. Advanced Search video walkthrough

    See a recording of our live Wisdom Wednesday session introducing folks to Advanced Search.