Popular Articles

  1. PDFs

  2. SSO FAQs

    Answers to the most common questions about SSO.
  3. Webhooks overview and creation

    Learn what webhooks are and how to create an API webhook.
  4. Widget authentication--when and how to use it

    Learn what the widget authentication options are and when authentication is required for the widget to function properly.
  5. Reader signups

    Configure reader sign-ups so that new readers can request access, and set whether you want automatic approval or manual approval before they get access to your knowledge base.
  6. Homepage Merge Codes

    Here are the available template merge codes for use in Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Home Page.  These merge codes will only work in the knowledge base home page; they will not work inside categories or articles. Homepage Mer...
  7. HTML Zip export

  8. Opening links to SSO knowledge bases from Microsoft Office

    Learn why links to your SSO-protected KB might not open in MS Office files--and how to fix it.
  9. Reader security, passwords, and login options

    Learn about the settings for reader password expiration and complexity, Google login, and SSO login for readers.
  10. Adding code

    Sometimes you may want to display code for your readers to copy and paste from an article. Here's how: Select Code View   in your WYSIWYG editor. Paste the code you want to display into the code view. If you're using o...