Popular Articles

  1. Spread the word about KnowledgeOwl

    We'd love if you'd leave a review for us at one of these sites!
  2. Reader password security

    Set up admin-managed or self-managed reader passwords, restrict to specific IPs, and set the number of failed login attempts allowed.
  3. Generate a version PDF

    Generate a PDF of an inactive version, either for historical or review purposes!
  4. Use different logos for different reader groups

    Learn how you can display a different logo to members of different reader groups
  5. Author Teams

    You can create author teams to restrict editing of content to members of a specific team. Learn more about how to use them.
  6. Endpoint reference

    A list of available endpoints, their parameters, and other key info.
  7. Display full URL of links in PDFs

    Display the URL of hyperlinks in your PDFs by adding some Custom CSS to Customize > Style.
  8. Reader Merge Codes

    Use this list of merge codes to add or display information about your reader in your knowledge base.
  9. Make the PDF icon prettier

    If you're using the Clayton, Classic, or Modern themes , your PDF icon next to article titles might look like this:  You can replace it with a Font Awesome icon that will match the other icons next to the article: (The color of the icon wil...
  10. Change your search bar placeholder

    Learn how you can change the placeholder text displayed in your search bar.