Updated Articles

  1. Remove "Made with KnowledgeOwl" statement from footer

    Follow these steps to remove the "Made with KnowledgeOwl" statement included in your knowledge base footer.
  2. Recommended Article Weights

    In the Recommended tab ( Widget 2.0 ) or the Suggested Articles section ( Modern and Legacy widgets ), the recommended/suggested articles are populated using the Pages to Recommend On setting. But how does the widget determine the order to display...
  3. Redirect old articles to a new permalink

    You can use the old links feature to 301 redirect retired permalinks and articles to a new location. You have two options for using old links: Enabling a setting so that when you change a permalink and save the article or category, we will prompt ...
  4. Remove a label from a file

    Removing a label from a file simply removes it from the file--it doesn't delete the label from your knowledge base. If you'd like to delete a label from your knowledge base completely, see Delete a label . Our default Editor and Writer ...
  5. Readers overview

    Learn what readers are and become familiar with the Readers interface.
  6. Recover a revision

    Remember: we only save the 10 most recent revisions for an article; you cannot recover a revision older than that! To recover a revision: Follow the steps outlined above to open the revision history and compare your current revision with the ...
  7. Remote Authentication Overview

    Here's how remote authentication works: A reader tries to access your knowledge base. If they are not already authenticated, the reader is redirected to your specified remote authentication landing page URL. Your landing page authentica...
  8. Recover a deleted article

    What happens if you accidentally deleted an article? Good news: it's not gone forever! KnowledgeOwl stores all deleted articles in Knowledge Base > Manage . You can access deleted articles by using the Deleted standard Manage filter or ...
  9. Recover multiple deleted articles

    Learn how to recover multiple deleted articles at once.
  10. Reading the Advanced Search CSV

    Learn what each column in the Advanced Search CSV export contains.