Updated Articles

  1. Widget 2.0 overview

    Get to know Widget 2.0 and what it can do for you.
  2. Widget 2.0 installation

    Learn how to install the Widget 2.0 embed code in your application or website.
  3. Widget 2.0 OAuth2 authentication

    Learn how to set up OAuth2 authentication for your widget.
  4. Widget Admin Settings

    Learn what the widget's Admin Settings control.
  5. Use Widget 2.0 on Single Page Applications

    You can use the methods described here to use the widget in a single page application or other places where you need to translate the actual URL to something else.
  6. Why aren't some of my shared content articles showing up in search?

    By default, KnowledgeOwl will hide child articles from search. Shared content articles and articles in synced categories are considered "child" articles if they're one of the shares or copies. To solve this issue, you can include chil...
  7. Widget 2.0 Chrome cookie fix

    We updated cookies to support Chrome’s new cross site cookie restrictions.
  8. Protect Widget 2.0 Contact Form with reCAPTCHA

    Learn what your recaptcha options are for Widget 2.0. Highly recommended if you're using Widget 2.0 with the Contact Form on a publicly-available site.
  9. Who can run the Broken Links Report?

    Our default Editor and Writer roles have permission to generate the Broken Links Report. If you're using a custom author role , that role must have the Tools Permission to Run Broken Links Report . ...
  10. Which codes should I worry about?

    Working with broken links reports are more art than science. Here are some tips to help you improve your artistry.