New Articles

  1. Choose your logo

    Upload or change your logo in Settings > Style.
  2. Change your favicon

    Learn how to change your knowledge base's favicon (the tiny image that appears to the left of website names in browser tabs).
  3. Breadcrumbs

    Learn what breadcrumbs are and how to enable and disable them in your knowledge base.
  4. Access to the header via Custom Head

    You can access the Custom Head in Settings > Style to add references, scripts, and more.
  5. Public Sitemaps and SEO

    Your knowledge base is already optimized for search engine indexing and optimization. Each page is given a unique title that include the name of the article or page and your knowledge base name. Article titles are truncated in your page title to ...
  6. Filter search by categories

    You can allow your readers to filter search results by category. You can choose to allow filtering by the top-level categories or by both top-level and second-level categories. When enabled, this option will: Add a Refine dropdown menu to your se...
  7. Protect your PDFs with watermarks and passwords

    Storing sensitive information in your knowledge base? Learn how to enable PDF watermarks and passwords.
  8. Set your knowledge base time zone, date, and language

    Learn how to set the timezone and date/time setting your knowledge base uses.
  9. Restrict content to logged in readers

    You can restrict some content so that it is only visible to specific readers. To do so, create a reader group or groups and then restrict the category or individual articles to that group. Restrictions can be set: At the category level: restr...
  10. Restrict by IP address, shared passwords, reader logins, or a combination

    The security settings under the Settings tab are mostly centered around the needs of private or internal knowledge bases. By default, your knowledge base will be visible to the public which means anyone can peruse your content. However, under Set...