New Articles

  1. Author Teams

    By default, all authors can edit all content in your knowledge base. If you'd like to prevent certain authors from editing articles or categories, you can create Author Teams for your authors and restrict articles or categories to editing by spec...
  2. Reader Groups

    If you have individual readers logging in to your knowledge base, Reader Groups allow you to display content only to specific groups and assign which readers should see which content. Use the Restrict to Groups option to restrict the current ar...
  3. Article Short Title

    If your Full Article Title is very long, you can choose to add a Short Title for use in navigation. If it's defined, the Short Title is used in the table of contents instead of the Full Article Title. If the article is within a topic display ca...
  4. Search Phrases

    Your article title, permalink, body, meta description, and search phrases are indexed automatically for search. You can add optional search phrases to: Add a phrase or term that isn't already in any of those fields so this article will be retur...
  5. Tags

    A tag is a word or short phrase that can be used to filter to find the article. An article may have as many tags as you like. You do not need to add tags to optimize your content for search! Tags are not factored into search result relevancy score...
  6. Section breakdown: Contact Form

    Learn about the options to customize text in your Contact Form.
  7. 🎃Nat'l Pumpkin Day bugfixes

    These fixes address bugs with Required Reading icons, shared content category syncing, admin managed reader passwords, and added support for Unix timestamps to our API.
  8. Spam protection

    Learn about the different spam protection options available within KnowledgeOwl.
  9. 🧁Nat'l Chocolate Cupcake Day bugfixes

    These fixes address bugs with Article Favorites, file references, and category icon panels.
  10. 📄New feature drop: Inactive version PDF exports!

    You can now export a PDF of an inactive version, and moving forward, these PDFs will include loads more metadata about who created the version and when!