New Articles

  1. Granting access to your self-assessment

    Learn the information you'll need to give people who want to log in.
  2. How do I give access to my CAPRA self-assessment?

    Learn how to give reviewers access to your self-assessment, and what security options are available.
  3. Final review checklist

    Use this checklist to complete your final review of your CAPRA self-assessment before sharing it with reviewers.
  4. The basics: adding links to other websites or online resources

    Learn how to insert hyperlinks to other online resources in your CAPRA self-assessment standards.
  5. Managing multiple authors making changes

    See how the editor will warn you when another author is viewing or editing the same standard as you.
  6. The basics: adding documents, files, and more

    Learn how to add documentation as evidence of compliance to your CAPRA self-assessment knowledge base.
  7. The basics: editing standards

    Learn how to edit the standards in your CAPRA self-assessment knowledge base.
  8. The basics: app vs. knowledge base

    Learn the difference between the KnowledgeOwl app and the knowledge base you'll provide reviewers.
  9. Individual reviewer accounts

    Learn how to create individual reader accounts for reviewers or members of your organization.
  10. No login required (publicly available)

    Learn how to make your self-assessment knowledge base publicly viewable.