Popular Articles

  1. Trial FAQs

    Hoot, thank you for signing up for a KnowledgeOwl trial! Here are answers to some of our most frequently asked trial questions.
  2. Generate content

  3. Add images in bulk

    Learn how to upload multiple images at once into your File Library.
  4. Visibility and permissions

    Configure category settings, visibility, and access permissions.
  5. Full and short titles

    Every article has its Full Article Title, which is what displays at the top of your article. There is also an optional short title, which is used in the table of contents.
  6. How do I update my credit card?

    You can update your credit card in the application or over the telephone. Please do not send new credit card details by email. To update your credit card in the application: Click on your profile icon/name in the upper right. Select Account ...
  7. Where can I access my past receipts and invoices?

    Invoices and receipts are sent by email to the billing email address on file. We do not currently have a place to access them online. To request copies of past receipts or invoices, please . We can resend receipt emails as well as attach copies. ...
  8. Recommended Article Weights

    In the Recommended tab ( Widget 2.0 ) or the Suggested Articles section ( Modern and Legacy widgets ), the recommended/suggested articles are populated using the Pages to Recommend On setting. But how does the widget determine the order to display...
  9. Articles Viewed from Remote Pages

    This section displays the Page Paths of all pages where someone opened the widget and/or where recommended articles have been configured. You can then use the Recommended Article Weights link next to each URL to update the order. ...
  10. How can I change the billing email address for my account?

    Receipts are automatically emailed to the current billing email address, and past receipts are available upon request.  You must be an account admin to change the billing email. If you aren't an account admin but do want to update the bill...