Popular Articles

  1. Display Settings

    Learn how to hide your article from various places in your knowledge base using the Display Settings.
  2. What's the difference between an author and a reader?

    Learn the differences between authors (who login to app.knowledgeowl.com) and readers (who access your knowledge base only).
  3. Change your search bar placeholder

    Learn how you can change the placeholder text displayed in your search bar.
  4. Cookbook: examples with curl and Postman

    A set of curl examples, along with a Postman collection you can import and try out. The examples show simple tasks you can do with the API without additional code.
  5. Display content only to specific readers

    Use reader groups to display content to specific readers only. Learn how to use directly assigned reader groups and inherited reader groups.
  6. Revisions

    Learn about the revisions KnowledgeOwl tracks, how to view a revision history, compare revisions, and recover previous revisions.
  7. SCAYT Spell Check

    The SCAYT option is only for those using the Legacy editor. The Modern editor uses the built-in browser spell-check.
  8. Delete a knowledge base

    You can delete a knowledge base you are no longer using. Click on your profile icon/name in the upper right and select Knowledge Bases or click on the little owl in the top left of the navigation bar to go to your dashboard. Click on the gear...
  9. Using the KnowledgeOwl API

  10. Create a reader group

    Learn how to create a reader group in Your Account > Readers.