Popular Articles

  1. Reorder categories or articles

    Reorder categories or articles by rearranging their order in Knowledge Base > Articles .  Hover over the article or category you want to move. Click on the up and down arrow icon to the right of each category or article, and drag and d...
  2. Display Microsoft Office file in articles

    How to display Microsoft Office files directly in your articles.
  3. Searches with no Results

    Sample Searches with no Results report   Each time a reader searches and gets no results found, that search is logged in the Searches with no Results report. The information we capture and display includes: Search Phrase : The exact p...
  4. Default Login HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Login Page . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. This is the default html for the Login Page. Default HTML to ...
  5. File Library Updates

    Updating our file library has been a long time coming, so we are very excited to announce the following improvements: File labels Add file labels in bulk Delete files in bulk Improved file library interface Improved file picker interface Fil...
  6. List of Sub-processors

    Below is a list of sub-processors we work with. Subscribe using the link above to receive updates. Sub-processor Purpose Start Date Location Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud infrastructure hosting June 1, 2015 United States of A...
  7. Set up self-administered reader options

    Set rules for self-administered reader options, including password expiration, reuse, and complexity.
  8. Public Sitemaps and SEO

    Your knowledge base is already optimized for search engine indexing and optimization. Each page is given a unique title that include the name of the article or page and your knowledge base name. Article titles are truncated in your page title to ...
  9. New Reader Signup Options!

    Note: These features are only intended for self-administered readers In this weeks release we have added the following features: Reader signup notification emails Reader signup approval process Automated reader groups by domain Reader Signup ...
  10. Enable reader signups

    Allow readers to fill out a sign-up form to gain access to your knowledge base.