Popular Articles

  1. Filter search by categories

    You can allow your readers to filter search results by category. You can choose to allow filtering by the top-level categories or by both top-level and second-level categories. When enabled, this option will: Add a Refine dropdown menu to your se...
  2. Allow Google log in for readers

    Follow these steps to allow readers to sign up for and log in to your knowledge base with their Google account.
  3. Merge codes

  4. Why is a category not coming up in search?

    Learn what types of categories are included in KnowledgeOwl search.
  5. Keep glossary header visible when scrolling

    Use these steps to keep the Glossary header and letter navigation visible at all times on the Glossary page.
  6. Default Right Column HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Right Column . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. <div class="panel panel-default right-col-panel art...
  7. Use the Modern Widget for Contextual Help: Recommend on Pages

    Learn how to recommend specific content when the Modern widget is opened from specific pages on your app or website.
  8. Default Article HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Article . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. <div class="hg-article"> <div class=&quo...
  9. January Updates!

    We hope everyone had a wonderful h owl iday season! It's been a while since our last update, so we have a lot to share. Here's what we've been up to: Article Editing Author Collision Meta Title & Description for Categories Image ...
  10. Widget reporting