Popular Articles

  1. Manage Articles filters: now with Included and Excluded Tags filters

    In Manage Articles, we've renamed the existing Tags filter to "Included Tags" and added a new "Excluded Tags" filter. Learn more about these changes so you can start using them in your filters!
  2. Shared content categories

    The shared content category allows you to pull in and sync the content from a category in a separate knowledge base. You must have access to both knowledge bases to set up this kind of category. This category type is useful when you are maintaining...
  3. Search feature overview

  4. February 6, 2020

    Bug Fixes It's not often I have to say this, but: yesterday we released some SEO changes designed to remove trailing slashes from URLs that did not go well. First, we noticed some issues with search. Then, we discovered that a couple customer...
  5. The basics: adding documents, files, and more

    Learn how to add documentation as evidence of compliance to your CAPRA self-assessment knowledge base.
  6. Reset an author password

    Learn how to reset an author's password in KnowledgeOwl.
  7. Add images to articles: Modern Editor

    Learn how to insert an image into your articles using Modern Editor.
  8. Glossary feature enhancements

    We've added a setting so that searching "glossary" helps direct readers to your glossary page, and added in-line edit and delete options when you're editing the glossary directly.
  9. How are KnowledgeOwl knowledge bases structured?

    Learn the content creation and hierarchy options within your knowledge base.
  10. Versions + Version Notes now in draft and deleted articles!

    You can now create versions and version notes in unpublished articles; we added an "Active" callout to identify the active version in an unpublished article; and we changed some wording.