Popular Articles

  1. Hide a category from navigation

    Learn how to hide a category or subcategory from navigation and search in KnowledgeOwl.
  2. What is an author?

    An author is someone who can log in to KnowledgeOwl and create content. Learn more about the different permissions options available.
  3. Add glossary link to table of contents

    Learn how to add or remove the Glossary link to your table of contents.
  4. Display favorites in the table of contents

    Follow these instructions to add Favorites to your table of contents.
  5. Add a background image to my homepage

    If your homepage has no image or banner on it, follow these instructions to add one.
  6. Purge deleted readers

    Use the Purge Deleted Readers option to permanently remove all information associated with deleted reader accounts. This is useful for GDPR or other privacy rights compliance.
  7. Custom author roles

    Learn how to create custom roles to control exactly what actions an author can perform in your KnowledgeOwl account.
  8. September 12, 2019

    Feature Enhancements: Added a checkbox to the CSV export dropdown in manage to select / de-select all columns Added the ability to disable comments and feedback for custom content categories Bug Fixes: In Manage > Bulk Edit, selecting a reade...
  9. Sharing "draft" articles

    Learn how to share "draft" articles with other authors or reviewers.
  10. Default categories

    The default category type is the most common choice for organizing and displaying content. You can create both subcategories and articles within a default category. The landing page for a default category automatically displays the following:...