Popular Articles

  1. Article Favorites: Now in the table of contents

    You can now add Article Favorites to your table of contents by checking a box--no code or HTML required!
  2. Tags usage report

    Learn how to generate and use a tags usage report.
  3. Nat'l Chocolate Cupcake 🧁 Day bugfixes and feature enhancements

    This release includes bugfixes for editing glossary terms and the reader username merge code, plus Preview Changes for Style Settings, a new create version workflow, and a new body merge code.
  4. January 29th, 2019

    Bug fixes: In the embeddable widget, if the end-user opened an article and then navigated to a different article, the "Open in Full Site" link was not updating to the new article.  Google logins for both the application and the reader login page ...
  5. January 29, 2020

    Bug Fixes Widget 2.0 and Internet Explorer: Widget 2.0 is now compatible with Internet Explorer 11. (So those of you using app.knowledgeowl.com from within Internet Explorer, the Help navigation link now properly opens the widget!) Version...
  6. Font updates

    We've shifted from using Google Fonts API to hosting fonts ourselves, added 7 new fonts, and updated our pre-built Font Pairs.
  7. Can authors share logins?

    Learn about sharing author logins in KnowledgeOwl.
  8. July 31, 2019

    Feature Enhancements Changing the category an article belongs to from within the article editor now allows you to search for categories that are only 2 letters long as opposed to the previous limit of 3 letters or more All newly created accounts ...
  9. Add an author

    Learn how to add an author to your KnowledgeOwl account.
  10. May 6, 2019

    Feature Enhancements When a new article is added as recommended via Reporting → Widget → Recommended Article Weights → Add Article, the page will now automatically appear in the article's "Recommend On Pages" in the article editor When editing an...