Updated Articles

  1. Use your own syntax highlighter for code blocks

    Learn how to use your own syntax highlighter rather than KnowledgeOwl's default syntax highlighter by seeing how we install Prism.
  2. Use the new Support theme

    Here's the full set of tweaks we made to build the new support theme on top of the existing Minimalist theme, if you'd like to try it out!
  3. Use search settings

    Most search options are controlled in the Settings > Search menu. So this first tip is a fairly straightforward one: take a quick look through the options available here and be sure you're using--or not using!--settings that make sense for...
  4. Use indexed fields well

    We automatically index the content in six article fields for search: Title Permalink/URL Body PDFs Meta description Search phrases So the first step to "tuning" your search isn't really about search at all: it's about maki...
  5. Use search phrases

    By now, I hope you've picked up on the fact that you don't need to do anything for your content to be indexed for search--it just is. So why do we include search phrases, if we're already indexing the title, permalink, body, PDFs, and m...
  6. Use synonyms

    Synonyms are one of the unsung heroes of your knowledge base. You probably don't know they're there, but they can make a huge difference to how you write your content--and how it's indexed. Synonyms' entire purpose is to help your...
  7. Use Searches with no results

    So you've gotten your search behaving fairly well overall, and things seem to be humming along great: you've gotten the settings how you like them, your content's using consistent terminology , you've tweaked your search weights ...
  8. Use the KnowledgeOwl Webhooks Slack app

    Use the Authorize New Slack Endpoint button to send Slack messages about KnowledgeOwl events to a Slack channel of your choice.
  9. Use action links with # or javascript:void(0)

    Learn how to use action hyperlinks with # or javascript:void.
  10. Use both manual and automatic Related Articles

    Learn what happens when you use automatic Related Articles and manually add Related Articles.