New Articles

  1. New internal note field for articles and categories!

    We've added an internal note field to articles and categories to capture internal editor notes.
  2. Widget 2.0 Chrome cookie fix

    We updated cookies to support Chrome’s new cross site cookie restrictions.
  3. Reset article ratings

    Once you're using article ratings, there may be times when you want to be able to reset an article back to zero ratings. This might be: When you publish a new version, to ensure that all ratings apply only to the latest version. On a set schedule...
  4. Category titles no longer support hard-coded HTML

    Category titles now strip any direct HTML entered into them when you save the category, just as article titles do.
  5. SSO/SAML IdP URL bug fix: URL trim

    The IdP URL fields for configuring SAML/SSO now trim trailing spaces.
  6. Hide tags from Search Results

    KnowledgeOwl search results will automatically display all tags assigned to a given article : Sample of Tags showing in Search Results However, if you're using tags for custom filters in the Manage Articles interface, you might no...
  7. Tags in searches

    Learn how tags are displayed in search results and how to complete tag searches.
  8. Remove a tag from an article

    Removing a tag from an article simply removes it from the article--it doesn't delete the tag from your knowledge base. If you'd like to delete a tag from your knowledge base completely, see Delete a tag . Our default Editor and Writer roles ha...
  9. Add an existing tag to an article

    Creating a new tag is not always the same thing as adding a tag to an article. Our default Editor and Writer roles have permission to add existing tags to articles and to create new tags. If you're using a custom author role , that role must...
  10. Delete a tag

    Learn how to delete tags from your knowledge base.