Feature Requests Topic-based category type Topic-based authoring Update category types and options Bug Fixes Added space after inserted links in PDFs in the middle of a sentence. ...
Use this API snippet to generate a list of articles from a specific category. Use variables to pull the current article's immediate category or top-level category or hard-code a specific category.
Feature Requests The widget is owl the rage right now, and someone made the observation that you couldn't get to ours without clicking on Help > Contact Us. Well, we remedied that right up. Clicking Help now launches the widget, powered by Knowled...
Here's how you can stay up-to-date on all things KnowledgeOwl: Use this sign-up form to opt in to one of our mailing lists to received updates on: New blog posts Critical Admin Updates (retiring technology or major changes to the way Knowledge...
Bug Fixes Blog style was always displaying in reverse chronological order even when other option was selected. Blog style category link did nothing when inside another category in the TOC. Some PPTX couldn't be uploaded via the editor. Default ...