Popular Articles

  1. Available webhook events

    Learn which article webhook events are available and what causes them to fire.
  2. June 16, 2017

    Feature Requests Someone ask for a "No Teams" filter in Manage? Owl ready if you want to check it out! Bug Fixes .ko-pdf-clickable-link {display: initial;} was not working in standard or custom PDFs. It is now. Articles ...
  3. March 15, 2017

    New Editor Updates (highlights) Upload images when pasting from Word Enhanced Word and Excel Paste plugin Feature Requests Internal article titles Bug Fixes Restricted article titles were displaying in the updated articles widget Font Aw...
  4. Reorder and move categories

  5. July 19, 2017

    Feature Requests Automatically display new comments when automatically approved (no refresh required) Bug Fixes The image style (magic wand) option disappeared in the new editor. We brought it back. European date formats and published dates w...
  6. May 27, 2017

    Feature Requests Subcategory display type merge codes for custom content categories [template(" content-list ")] The template content-list merge code will display subcategories in content list format. [template(" panel-list &quo...
  7. Reorder and move articles

  8. March 30, 2017

    Feature Requests Bulk add tags to articles in Manage Updated article links to generate relative links rather than populating the domain Bug Fixes Apostrophes and plus symbols in file names were breaking files being displayed in the legacy edi...
  9. Adding and editing knowledge bases

  10. Hide Related Articles when there are none

    You can add some code to hide the Related Articles section when there are no Related Articles present. Go to Settings > Style . Click on the Custom HTML tab. Select Article from the dropdown. If your Related Articles section appears at ...