Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

New feature: Support for basic authentication for third-party tools

06/13/2022Kate Mueller
We've added support for basic authentication so you can integrate with third-party crawling/scraping tools even if your knowledge base is private.

Updates to widget behavior in cookieless browsers

06/13/2022Kate Mueller
We've updated widget authentication so that it will work in browsers with and without cookies enabled.

Update to our automatic copyright year script

06/09/2022Kate Mueller
We recommend updating your automatic copyright year script!

World Caring Day 🤗 bug fixes

06/07/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with regenerating widget JWT and Oauth secrets, PDF tables of contents, and Style Settings color tools.

World Bicycle 🚲 Day bug fixes

06/03/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with enabling the reader login page, topic display category PDFs, and SSO SAML IdP certificates.

Change to New/Updated callout behavior + other bug fixes

05/26/2022Kate Mueller
We've made the New/Updated callout behavior for newly published articles work better with subscriptions, and fixed bugs with Style Settings and Widget 2.0 Learned Bias.

PDF content index updates

05/26/2022Kate Mueller
We now support PDF content indexing in search for Secure File Library and fixed a bug where PDFs longer than 100 pages weren't being indexed when they should be.

Nat'l Lucky Penny Day bug fixes

05/23/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Widget 2.0, PDF generation, reader logins and profile details, SSO rules, deleting an author, and more!

New feature drop: File Library List View 📃

05/11/2022KnowledgeOwl Support
We've added a new view option in File Library: List View!

Star Wars Day bug fixes

05/04/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Style Settings preview, individual article PDFs with Wistia embeds, copying a knowledge base, custom content categories, and the version Make Visible to Groups option.

Manage Articles Bulk Edit: now with New & Updated callouts!

05/04/2022Kate Mueller
We've added the New/Updated article callouts into the Bulk Edit options in Manage Articles!

Fix for preformatted code blocks in PDFs

04/18/2022Kate Mueller
Preformatted blocks of code now fully, properly generate in individual article PDFs, standard PDF exports, and custom PDF exports.

Our new Getting Started Guide!

04/04/2022Kate Mueller
We've just published a totally rewritten Getting Started Guide, which contains a ton of new best practice guidance, templates, and resources.

Nat'l Meatball Day 🍝 bug fixes

03/09/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with subscription notification emails, bulk reader imports, and reactivating trials.

Nat'l Compliment Day 🤝 bug fixes

01/24/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with relevance sort in Manage Articles and the knowledge base copying process.

Topic articles: Now in PDFs

01/13/2022Kate Mueller
We've added topic articles to some article PDF downloads--read on to see where and how your PDFs might be affected!

Manage Articles: new filter option + bug fixes

01/13/2022Kate Mueller
We've added a Manage filter to display only untagged articles and fixed a few bugs with filters and sorting/searching.

We are planting a tree for you! 🎁🌲

12/23/2021Marybeth Alexander
For this holiday season, we are committing to planting a tree for every single KnowledgeOwl author. Read more!

Winter Solstice ❄ bug fixes

12/21/2021Kate Mueller
We've moved the Knowledge Base Access section up in the reader details page. These fixes address bugs with Manage Articles, in-app search, Glossary export, Reporting Dashboard, and reader bulk edit.

Log4j vulnerability

12/14/2021Kate Mueller
Our assessment is that CVE-2021-44228 does not pose a serious risk to KnowledgeOwl or our customers. We'll be continuing to monitor as more of our vendors provide updates.