Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

Say hello to the Tools menu + Broken πŸ”— Link πŸ”— Checker!

09/27/2022Kate Mueller
Our 2021 customer favorite survey feature is here: Broken Links Report! We were so excited we also created a new Tools menu. ;)

Bulk reader import tweaks

09/07/2022Kate Mueller
We've added a more detailed progress bar and confirmation message to the readers import process.

New Widget 2.0 setting: Disable learned bias

09/01/2022Kate Mueller
Widget 2.0 now has an option to avoid recommending articles which only have learned bias.

New webhooks available: New & Updated callouts added!

08/29/2022Kate Mueller
We've added webhooks for the New and Updated article callouts, letting you mimic the subscription notification behavior in your webhooks!

πŸ‹Nat'l Lemon Juice Day bug fixesπŸ‹

08/29/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with glossary term imports, bold fonts (especially in PDFs), and public/private combination knowledge base no access and login pages.

Modern Slideout & Legacy Widget deprecation

08/29/2022Kate Mueller
After nearly three years of running all three contextual help widgets in tandem, we've decided to sunset our Modern Slideout and Legacy Widgets.

Int'l 😺 Cat 😺 Day bug fixes & enhancements

08/08/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Widget 2.0 navigation, Settings > PDF, Wistia video embeds, Manage Articles CSV Export, and private domains. Plus cat photos.

SAML SSO customers: Update your SAML signing x509 cert

07/19/2022Kate Mueller
We updated our SAML signing cert from SHA1 to SHA256. For all existing SAML SSO integrations, we recommend you update to the new x509 certificate.

Custom CSS / Article editor bug fix

07/18/2022Kate Mueller
This fix addresses issues with the article editor not loading recent changes to Settings > Style > Custom CSS.

Embrace your Geekness Day bug fixes

07/13/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Manage Articles CSV exports and shared content category children resyncing.

File Library file updates: new caching behavior

07/12/2022Kate Mueller
We've changed our default cache expiration for files stored in File Library to ensure updates to those files populate quickly.

PDFs now have hyperlinks πŸ”—

07/08/2022Kate Mueller
PDFs now include clickable hyperlinks by default! (And we fixed a bug where Standard PDF cover pages weren't generating.)

Int'l Kissing Day bug fixes πŸ’‹

07/06/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with secure file library, versions, Manage articles, and the Contact Form.

HTML zip export bug fixes

07/05/2022Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with the user interface for HTML zip exports and HTML generated in the export itself.

Webhook updates: article.archive and deactivated webhooks

06/29/2022Kate Mueller
We've added an article archive webhook and have added an automatic webhook deactivation process.

New features: Schedule article publication and archival!

06/22/2022Kate Mueller
I'm so excited to announce the release of two heavily-requested features, both to do with scheduling: Scheduling article publication Scheduling article archival You'll see these options in the upper right of the Article Editor: Quick ru...

New syntax highlighting

06/15/2022Kate Mueller
Learn how to use a third-party syntax highlighter, and get Kate's thoughts on implementing Prism in this knowledge base.

New feature: Support for basic authentication for third-party tools

06/13/2022Kate Mueller
We've added support for basic authentication so you can integrate with third-party crawling/scraping tools even if your knowledge base is private.

Updates to widget behavior in cookieless browsers

06/13/2022Kate Mueller
We've updated widget authentication so that it will work in browsers with and without cookies enabled.

Update to our automatic copyright year script

06/09/2022Kate Mueller
We recommend updating your automatic copyright year script!