New Articles

  1. Versions

    Learn how to create, edit, delete, review, and activate new versions of articles and custom content categories.
  2. Default Manage Reader Subscriptions HTML

    This is the default HTML for Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Manage Reader Subscriptions . You can use it for reference or copy/paste it in and resave to return to the original default state. [template("readersubscriptions-page")] ...
  3. Revision history comparison: now with more detail and raw HTML!

    We're proud to share a much more attractive and detailed article revision comparison display and updated documentation to go with it!
  4. Nat'l Eat your 🥬 Vegetables 🥕 Day bug fixes

    These fixes address bugs with custom content category versions, Widget 2.0 anchors, Standard PDF export, and copying knowledge bases.
  5. Page Breakdown

    Once you click Page Breakdown from the Search Activity section, you'll see a breakdown of searches completed on that particular page. For widget contact form searches, this can help identify articles you might want to set up as recommended for ...
  6. Search Activity

    The Search Activity section lets you see where searches and tickets are coming from, drill into the searches to see more details, and export a CSV containing the details for all searches in the selected Date Range. Use the Date Range dropdown...
  7. Contact Form Activity

    The Contact Form Activity report is at the top of Reporting > Contact Form .  It lets you know how well your knowledge base is deflecting support emails. Here's a quick guide to help you use this feature: Use the Date Range dropdown at the to...
  8. Feature enhancements for Manage and Reporting

    These feature enhancements add a category column to Manage Articles, add search-less contact form submissions to Contact Form Reporting, and change the update times for the Popular Articles Report.
  9. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Bug Fixes

    These fixes address bugs with knowledge base performance, shared/synced articles and categories, article editor copy/paste, Manage Articles filters, and the UI wording for editing synonyms.
  10. Nat'l Iced Tea Day 🧊☕ bug fixes

    These fixes address bugs with reader groups, the Zendesk Contact Form integration, secure file library, Widget 2.0 snippets, and redirect articles.