New Articles

  1. Style the letters at the top of the glossary

    Learn how to change the font color and style of the letter hyperlinks at the top of the Glossary page.
  2. New Glossary letter style options

    This feature enhancement gives you control over the look and feel of the Glossary page navigational letters.
  3. Chocolate Cake Day bug fixes

    These fixes address bugs with duplicate subscription notifications, synced custom content categories with versions, and Manage Articles select all Bulk Edits.
  4. What happens when I delete an author?

    Worried about what happens when you delete an author? Learn what will--and won't--be deleted along with them!
  5. Delete an author

    Need to remove an author from your account? Follow these steps.
  6. Updates to PDF indexing for search results

    We improved the PDF indexing for search results and article blurbs in search results.
  7. Editor + session timeout bug fixes

    These fixes address bugs with session timeouts during the article editing process and articles containing scripts only.
  8. Snippet references

    Learn where snippet references are tracked and how to view them.
  9. Bug fixes for unlocking readers with mixed case emails + HTML in search result article blurbs

    These fixes address bugs preventing unlocking of mixed case reader accounts, and improperly displayed HTML code in search result article blurbs.
  10. More detailed delete confirmations

    For deletes of 5 or fewer items, we list the items in the delete confirmation; for 6+ we show an item count.