Popular Articles

  1. Remote Authentication Instructions

    Learn how to set up and use remote authentication in KnowledgeOwl.
  2. Recent Articles List

    Learn how to configure the Recent Articles list and add it to your knowledge base.
  3. Test reader group access

    Use the Change Reader Groups option when viewing the KB as an admin to test what members of different reader groups will see.
  4. Send Contact Form submissions to Google Sheet via Zapier + webhooks

    How to use Zapier with KnowledgeOwl's webhooks.
  5. Spread the word about KnowledgeOwl

    We'd love if you'd leave a review for us at one of these sites!
  6. Salesforce SSO Instructions

  7. Custom image captions

    How to create and format image captions
  8. Author Teams

    You can create author teams to restrict editing of content to members of a specific team. Learn more about how to use them.
  9. Redirect old articles to a new permalink

    You can use the old links feature to 301 redirect retired permalinks and articles to a new location. You have two options for using old links: Enabling a setting so that when you change a permalink and save the article or category, we will prompt ...
  10. Basic Settings