If you're using the icon panels subcategory display in your categories, you may want to style those icon panels differently. We use the same styles for the Icon Panels subcategory display as we do for the homepage category panel icons . The CSS ...
Feature Requests Added article features (PDFs, ratings, comments, and search) to topic display categories Added option to redirect all child articles in topic display category to the category itself
Feature Requests Added option for reader groups to ignore SSO (ability to have KO managed reader groups while using SSO) Display date created and updated for reader groups Added webhook for newly published articles only ...
Bug Fixes Auto-assign groups by email was being buggy Search phrases were exporting as array instead of a comma-separated list Searches with no results was displaying partial searches. If searching via the API suggest endpoint, add the parameter...
Feature Requests Added more validation to contact form to further prevent empty submissions Bug Fixes Export articles to CSV wasn't working with some filters Old images were appearing broken in the library Editor was adding extra to i...