Popular Articles

  1. Author permissions

    Learn about the four levels of author permissions in KnowledgeOwl: admin rights, knowledge base roles, author teams, and reader groups.
  2. Change the homepage welcome text

    Learn how to change the "Welcome to..." text on your knowledge base homepage.
  3. New features: Schedule article publication and archival!

    I'm so excited to announce the release of two heavily-requested features, both to do with scheduling: Scheduling article publication Scheduling article archival You'll see these options in the upper right of the Article Editor: Quick ru...
  4. March 11, 2019

    Features / Enhancements Added support for unauthenticated SMTP servers to be able to send reader subscription emails Added a new article merge code to populate the full URL to the current article -- Bug Fixes Autosuggest sear...
  5. Configure your KB access

    Learn what features are available for public knowledge bases, public knowledge bases with some private content, and private knowledge bases.
  6. Conditional Snippets

    Feature to be able to conditionally show snippet contents inside of articles based off of what reader groups the author is in or other variables like current URL location. This feature will also overhaul the UX for snippet creation and editing and b...
  7. Announcements

    Ability to easily push out announcements to your knowledge base readers. Nice to have: Store past announcements Auto-expire dates
  8. Upgrade Fancybox for click-to-zoom images

    We've upgraded our Fancybox license from version 3.5.x to version 5. If you've been using this integration, we encourage you to upgrade to the latest version with us!
  9. Feature Update: Searches with no Results Report adds reader groups and refined categories

    The Searches with no Results report will now track if the searcher is a member of any reader groups or if they have refined their search to specific categories only.
  10. April 16, 2019

    Bug Fixes When 2 topic categories were in sync and one of the topic articles was updated in the child topic category, the parent topic category was not updated until it was re-saved. Confused? So were we.