Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

API update: POST call for tags defaults to "active" status

07/13/2020Kate Mueller
POST calls for tags now get default status=active.

Widget 2.0 + private domain bug fix

07/13/2020Kate Mueller
Widget 2.0 links now fully use private domain, rather than your KO subdomain.

URL redirect categories + articles: file picker to easily redirect to KO files

07/13/2020Kate Mueller
For URL redirects on categories and articles, we've added a file picker to easily set up redirects to KO-stored files.

Bug fix for default categories with Below Subcategories article display

07/06/2020Kate Mueller
Below subcategories article display was creating article hyperlinks with an extra space at the end.

Bug fix for default categories with inline article display

07/06/2020Kate Mueller
For default categories with Content List subcategory display and inline article display, URL redirect articles' new tab/same tab opening behavior is now respected.

Contact Form reporting with no ticket info stored in KnowledgeOwl

07/06/2020Kate Mueller
Contact Form reporting now provides ticket date + submission info even if KO isn't storing details about the ticket submission.

Widget 2.0 contact tab reloads + category title format fix

07/06/2020Kate Mueller
The Contact tab now automatically reloads when any navigation out of the tab/widget occurs. All categories properly show their titles.

Versions Make Visible to Groups Fix

06/23/2020KnowledgeOwl Support
Make Visible to Groups wasn't showing versions consistently at all levels of the TOC.

Bug roundup: create new version, duplicate contact form submissions, deleted knowledge bases

06/16/2020Kate Mueller
Updates to the create new version dropdown, Contact Form duplicate submissions, and tightening URL security for deleted KBs.

More Let's Encrypt ssl cert tweaks

06/15/2020Kate Mueller
We now have more detailed error messaging and documentation for using Let's Encrypt SSL certs, and the cert checker also verifies CAA rules that may prevent LE from working.

Author team order consistently displayed

06/15/2020Kate Mueller
The order of Author Teams set in Your Account > Authors > Teams is now used everywhere that Author Teams are displayed.

In-app searches now support parentheses

06/15/2020Kate Mueller
All in-app search boxes now support parentheses in the search text.

False warning on private domains needing reCAPTCHA

06/11/2020Kate Mueller
Smarter Settings > Basic warning when reCAPTCHA is required.

Search results pagination with exact match searches

06/11/2020Kate Mueller
"Exact match" searches now properly support pagination.

Modern Widget: no more duplicate suggested topic display + custom content categories

06/11/2020Kate Mueller
No more duplicates of custom content or topic display categories in the Modern Widget's recommended for you section.

Glossary page alternate titles

06/08/2020Kate Mueller
Alternate titles for glossary terms let you display a different title on the Glossary page from what is used for automatic highlighting, and supports parentheses.

Widget 2.0 now supports explicit https:// and relative // URL protocols

06/08/2020Kate Mueller
Widget 2.0 now supports explicit https:// and relative // URL protocols, in case you need to specify one or the other.

Widget 2.0 option: when only one recommended article, open widget directly to that article

06/08/2020Kate Mueller
When only one recommended article is set for a page, use this setting so that the widget opens directly to that article.

API Keys: now with purpose (and editable)

06/01/2020Kate Mueller
We've added a text field so you can track the purpose/use of your API keys, and edit existing keys' permissions.

Prepopulate Contact Form fields in the URL

05/28/2020Kate Mueller
If you insert a link to your contact form, you can use URL parameters to prepopulate the subject, details, name, and email fields of the contact form.