05/27/2020Kate Mueller
Fixes to bugs with updating a credit card and plans not properly displaying.
05/20/2020Kate Mueller
We've moved all search-related settings into Settings > Search and updated the wording to be clearer.
05/20/2020Kate Mueller
You can now rollback to the three previous saves of Settings > Style.
05/11/2020Kate Mueller
When snippet merge codes are used in article and category titles, Widget 2.0 properly replaces the merge code with the snippet's body.
05/07/2020Kate Mueller
You can now completely exclude an entire category and all its content from search results.
05/07/2020Kate Mueller
You can now set up your reader welcome emails and reader password reset emails to be sent through an SMTP provider.
05/06/2020Kate Mueller
Two small changes for today: In the reader bulk importer , we discovered that if you had the same reader name twice, but one of the rows had trailing blank spaces, the bulk reader importer wouldn't identify them as duplicates. It would strip the t...
05/05/2020Kate Mueller
We're now integrated with Let's Encrypt to provide free, auto-renewing SSL certificates to all of our customers.
04/27/2020Kate Mueller
We just recently announced the ability to use Manage > Bulk Edit to publish versions marked "ready for review." One of our customers testing the new feature noticed some glitches with the version notes field when articles were bulk published. In s...
04/21/2020Kate Mueller
These updates add new Bulk Edit options for versions and excluding articles from search and navigation, plus fix several bugs with Manage and custom author roles.
04/21/2020Kate Mueller
We've added internal category titles so you can set a separate internal administrative title for categories to avoid confusion.
04/17/2020Kate Mueller
We released some bug fixes for linked content that impacts the content itself as well as the suggest API endpoint. Linked content is content that is automatically synchronized within KnowledgeOwl--updating it in one place will automatically update ...
04/03/2020Kate Mueller
Widget 2.0 now properly hides hidden categories from breadcrumbs
04/01/2020Kate Mueller
We've added a new option in Settings > Basic to help maximize your SEO: the option to 301 redirect URLs ending with a trailing slash to non-trailing slash.
04/01/2020Kate Mueller
Fixed apostrophes in remote-auth and remotelogin; disabled option to revert to http: for most customers; ending support for the Kayako contact form integration.
04/01/2020Kate Mueller
Parentheses are no longer supported in glossary terms (just in definitions); we've also updated how multi-word glossary terms auto-highlight in relation to single-word terms.
03/19/2020Kate Mueller
We've had reports from several customers of issues logging into their knowledge base. In most cases, this seems to crop up when folks are using Chrome, but we have seen it occasionally in other browsers. This might be you if: You're using Chrome ...
03/16/2020Kate Mueller
We fixed an issue preventing the contactForm.submit API webhook from properly firing when Zendesk or Freshdesk contact form integrations were used.
03/11/2020Kate Mueller
The login link on new knowledge bases is now more strongly tied to the "Add a reader login / logout link" Basic Setting.
03/02/2020KnowledgeOwl Support
Bug Fixes API-based webhooks for contact form submissions were previously firing for all knowledge bases even when only specific knowledge bases were selected in the webhook. We fixed the logic here so that the webhook will only fire for the sel...