08/31/2020Kate Mueller
The Tag Library now displays tags alphabetically.
08/13/2020Kate Mueller
See our latest release notes and blog posts on your app dashboard whenever you log in to KnowledgeOwl!
08/12/2020Kate Mueller
You can now merge duplicate tags together.
08/11/2020Kate Mueller
We've changed "linked article" to "shared content article", as this better describes what's actually happening: the articles are sharing content.
08/11/2020Kate Mueller
You can now export a list of all your authors in CSV format.
08/11/2020Kate Mueller
When an article only has hidden tags, we've removed the empty "Tags: " field from Search Results and blog style category pages.
08/11/2020Kate Mueller
We've fixed a bug in Modern Widget when using the openArticle function with hyperlinks with anchor text in them.
08/10/2020Kate Mueller
We've updated the app login screens and the password reset process.
08/06/2020Kate Mueller
We've added quality views and article ratings info to the Manage Article Export to CSV column options.
08/06/2020Kate Mueller
Widget 2.0 openArticle() & openCategory() sometimes displayed incorrect breadcrumbs. They show the right ones now. :)
08/05/2020Kate Mueller
We've added an internal note field to articles and categories to capture internal editor notes.
08/05/2020Kate Mueller
You can now delete/reset all ratings for one article or all articles in your knowledge base.
08/04/2020Kate Mueller
We updated cookies to support Chrome’s new cross site cookie restrictions.
08/03/2020Kate Mueller
The IdP URL fields for configuring SAML/SSO now trim trailing spaces.
08/03/2020Kate Mueller
Category titles now strip any direct HTML entered into them when you save the category, just as article titles do.
07/30/2020Kate Mueller
You can now create tags from scratch in Library > Tags instead of creating them in an article editor.
07/27/2020Kate Mueller
Hide tags from readers so you only see them in app.knowledgeowl.com for internal audits, etc.!
07/23/2020Kate Mueller
We've updated the recent revisions list to include the revision's author and the publishing status.
07/15/2020Kate Mueller
We released some security updates.
07/13/2020Kate Mueller
Add the Recent Articles Widget so your readers have quick access to the five articles they've most recently viewed.