10/16/2020Kate Mueller
We've added clearer messaging so you know when a topic display category PDF needs regenerating, and you can control when it is regenerated by deciding when to resave it.
10/16/2020Kate Mueller
We've updated shared content article messaging to explicitly identify parent/child status.
10/14/2020Kate Mueller
We've added fields for Link Title and Link Name so they match other hyperlinks, and we're automatically populating those with the article's name.
10/13/2020Kate Mueller
We improved load times for articles and categories with large files and images, and fixed bugs with the openArticle and openCategory methods.
10/13/2020Kate Mueller
We've expanded keyboard shortcuts to include shortcuts for paragraph, preformatted text, div, and blockquote.
10/12/2020Kate Mueller
We've added a new field for URL redirects and updated the name of another field.
10/08/2020Kate Mueller
We've made the Manage option to Bulk Edit articles a separate permission available to custom author roles.
10/08/2020Kate Mueller
These fixes impact version messages, duplicate old link/permalink detection, subscription already-subscribed messages, 404 page title tags, the updated articles page, and Modern Widget openArticle().
10/07/2020Kate Mueller
We're now leveraging a browser pop-up to warn you of all unsaved changes in the Article Editor.
10/07/2020Kate Mueller
We've added the expanded save options with default save action + the floating save bar footer to the category editor.
09/25/2020Kate Mueller
We've added a "select all articles in current filter" option and a more detailed progress bar for large-scale bulk edits.
09/24/2020Kate Mueller
These fixes impact shared content category deletions, snippets with forms, topic display category PDFs, URL redirect categories in the table of contents, webhook URLs, and Widget 2.0 navigation.
09/22/2020Kate Mueller
We've created a separate library for File Labels so that you can create, edit, delete, and merge file labels to better manage your File Library (and some new permissions to go with it).
09/08/2020Kate Mueller
We've added a floating footer to the article editor so you can always get to the Save, Preview, and Back buttons easily.
09/08/2020Kate Mueller
You can now create versions and version notes in unpublished articles; we added an "Active" callout to identify the active version in an unpublished article; and we changed some wording.
09/02/2020Kate Mueller
Reset view data for individual articles or all articles in your knowledge base.
09/02/2020Kate Mueller
Learn about the changes we've made in response to the July 2020 CJEU decision invalidating Privacy Shield as a GDPR compliance mechanism.
09/01/2020Kate Mueller
We fixed a bug with the refine by top-level/second-level category setting in search and made sure deleted authors aren't showing up in the CSV author export.
08/31/2020Kate Mueller
We've removed the "Use reader's email address as sender" option from all knowledge bases where it wasn't in use.
08/31/2020Kate Mueller
You can now set your own hyperlink title for Link to Article hyperlinks.