Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

Small bug fixes for refine search and author export

09/01/2020Kate Mueller
We fixed a bug with the refine by top-level/second-level category setting in search and made sure deleted authors aren't showing up in the CSV author export.

Sunset of Contact Form "Use reader's email address as sender" setting

08/31/2020Kate Mueller
We've removed the "Use reader's email address as sender" option from all knowledge bases where it wasn't in use.

Change in Insert Link to Article behavior

08/31/2020Kate Mueller
You can now set your own hyperlink title for Link to Article hyperlinks.

Tag library displayed alphabetically

08/31/2020Kate Mueller
The Tag Library now displays tags alphabetically.

KO News on your login dashboard!

08/13/2020Kate Mueller
See our latest release notes and blog posts on your app dashboard whenever you log in to KnowledgeOwl!

New: Merge tags

08/12/2020Kate Mueller
You can now merge duplicate tags together.

Updates to "link to existing article" wording & messaging

08/11/2020Kate Mueller
We've changed "linked article" to "shared content article", as this better describes what's actually happening: the articles are sharing content.

New feature: Author list export

08/11/2020Kate Mueller
You can now export a list of all your authors in CSV format.

Hidden tags update

08/11/2020Kate Mueller
When an article only has hidden tags, we've removed the empty "Tags: " field from Search Results and blog style category pages.

Modern Widget bug fix for openArticle with anchors

08/11/2020Kate Mueller
We've fixed a bug in Modern Widget when using the openArticle function with hyperlinks with anchor text in them.

Updates to app login + password reset processes

08/10/2020Kate Mueller
We've updated the app login screens and the password reset process.

New in Manage Articles: ratings and quality views

08/06/2020Kate Mueller
We've added quality views and article ratings info to the Manage Article Export to CSV column options.

Widget 2.0 openArticle() & openCategory() bug fix

08/06/2020Kate Mueller
Widget 2.0 openArticle() & openCategory() sometimes displayed incorrect breadcrumbs. They show the right ones now. :)

New internal note field for articles and categories!

08/05/2020Kate Mueller
We've added an internal note field to articles and categories to capture internal editor notes.

Reset article ratings

08/05/2020Kate Mueller
You can now delete/reset all ratings for one article or all articles in your knowledge base.

Widget 2.0 Chrome cookie fix

08/04/2020Kate Mueller
We updated cookies to support Chrome’s new cross site cookie restrictions.

SSO/SAML IdP URL bug fix: URL trim

08/03/2020Kate Mueller
The IdP URL fields for configuring SAML/SSO now trim trailing spaces.

Category titles no longer support hard-coded HTML

08/03/2020Kate Mueller
Category titles now strip any direct HTML entered into them when you save the category, just as article titles do.

New: Create tags directly in the Tag Library

07/30/2020Kate Mueller
You can now create tags from scratch in Library > Tags instead of creating them in an article editor.

New functionality: Hide tags from readers

07/27/2020Kate Mueller
Hide tags from readers so you only see them in for internal audits, etc.!