02/11/2021Kate Mueller
You can now specify your own div wrapper for Widget 2.0 to open within, giving you greater control over placement and height.
02/08/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with shared content article revision history, Manage filters and Bulk Edit, content lists, the reader bulk importer, and checks for duplicate permalinks.
01/29/2021Kate Mueller
We've created much more detailed options to hide categories, articles, and custom content categories from the table of contents, homepage, category landing pages, and article lists.
01/27/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with duplicate subscription notifications, synced custom content categories with versions, and Manage Articles select all Bulk Edits.
01/27/2021Kate Mueller
This feature enhancement gives you control over the look and feel of the Glossary page navigational letters.
01/15/2021Kate Mueller
We improved the PDF indexing for search results and article blurbs in search results.
01/14/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with session timeouts during the article editing process and articles containing scripts only.
01/13/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs preventing unlocking of mixed case reader accounts, and improperly displayed HTML code in search result article blurbs.
01/08/2021Kate Mueller
For deletes of 5 or fewer items, we list the items in the delete confirmation; for 6+ we show an item count.
01/05/2021Kate Mueller
Article internal notes are now included in the Manage Articles CSV export. They're also copied when new articles are created from template or copied from existing articles with internal notes.
01/05/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs on breadcrumbs in the editor and KB, custom content categories + versions, new reader group reordering, and other delights.
12/14/2020Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs on revision tracking, shared content category article unlinking, and custom roles with varying tag permissions.
11/17/2020Kate Mueller
By default, you'll now see the five most recent versions, with an option to expand to see more.
11/17/2020Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs on shared content categories, the Articles interface in IE11, Snippet Editor, and bulk activating versions.
11/11/2020Kate Mueller
We've added an Announcements section to the author dashboard, and fixed bugs with SAML author password resets, internal notes on categories, widget 2.0 topic display categories, and more.
11/10/2020Kate Mueller
We've added on-save editor logic to track which snippets articles and custom content categories are referencing.
10/30/2020Kate Mueller
We've added an Active Version section and flipped the order so that newest versions are at the top--rather than the bottom--of the Versions list.
10/30/2020Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with the Snippet Library search, Redirect to File button, custom roles without delete category permissions, article view counts, and our API $and statements.
10/23/2020Kate Mueller
We've added an Inherited Groups section to the editor so you can see any reader group restrictions the content is inheriting from its parent categories!
10/19/2020Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs on Contact Form Reporting, Manage Articles bulk editing, Autosuggest + Reader Group restrictions, snippet editing, and version ready for review messaging.