05/20/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with shared content articles and widget search, Tag Library tag creation, and shared content article breadcrumb behavior.
05/13/2021Kate Mueller
We've added a category filter to the Manage Articles custom filters. Learn where it is and how to use it!
05/13/2021Kate Mueller
Feature enhancements affect the category controls in the editor screens and SSO ID matching; bug fixes address issues with table of contents category displays and snippet API call variable caching.
05/11/2021Kate Mueller
In Manage Articles, we've renamed the existing Tags filter to "Included Tags" and added a new "Excluded Tags" filter. Learn more about these changes so you can start using them in your filters!
04/29/2021Kate Mueller
These enhancements and fixes impact shared content articles, reader approvals, revision history, widget settings, and more!
04/20/2021Kate Mueller
We've released a rewrite of the permissions framework in Article Editor, Category Editor, and the Articles interface. These changes may impact customers using custom roles + custom content categories.
04/15/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with shared content articles, reader welcome emails for approved readers, and table of contents category-hiding logic.
04/08/2021Kate Mueller
We've added reCAPTCHA V3 to the Contextual Help Widget 2.0 Contact tab. It's automatically added for customers with KO subdomains; those with private domains will need to add their own reCAPTCHA key.
04/07/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with searching the Readers page, app login security tokens, and glossary definitions containing hyperlinks.
03/18/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with article caching, numeric permalinks, and Modern Widget, plus streamline the interface of the bulk reader Import Options screen.
03/17/2021Kate Mueller
We gave the Readers page a Manage Articles-style makeover, adding standard and custom filters, a more nuanced CSV export, and some more streamlined workflows.
03/09/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with child shared content articles in topic display categories and smooth some rough edges on the new Archived status.
03/08/2021Kate Mueller
Glossaries containing terms that begin with 0-9 now have top-of-page navigation and appear in the appropriate section.
03/03/2021Kate Mueller
Today's release has feature enhancements to set the lang attribute for your KB + author in-app password reset; bug fixes for custom content category deletes + glossary term HTML in search results.
02/25/2021Kate Mueller
We've added an Archived publishing status to help you better classify unpublished content.
02/25/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with New Articles caching; character encoding in contact form reporting, webhook query strings, and Account details; author team bulk deletes; and copying a KB.
02/24/2021Kate Mueller
You can now opt to display matching glossary terms and their definitions in your search results!
02/18/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with category landing pages with recovered articles, the New Articles page, shared content article messages with internal article titles, and editor callout behavior.
02/11/2021Kate Mueller
Author lists now only include authors who are currently assigned to the knowledge base.
02/11/2021Kate Mueller
New authors set to author login type "SAML login via knowledge base" will now receive welcome emails with their SAML login URLs.