Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

National Rescue Dog 🐶 Day bug fixes

05/20/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with shared content articles and widget search, Tag Library tag creation, and shared content article breadcrumb behavior.

Manage Articles: Now with a Category Filter!

05/13/2021Kate Mueller
We've added a category filter to the Manage Articles custom filters. Learn where it is and how to use it!

13 May 2021 feature enhancements and bug fixes

05/13/2021Kate Mueller
Feature enhancements affect the category controls in the editor screens and SSO ID matching; bug fixes address issues with table of contents category displays and snippet API call variable caching.

Manage Articles filters: now with Included and Excluded Tags filters

05/11/2021Kate Mueller
In Manage Articles, we've renamed the existing Tags filter to "Included Tags" and added a new "Excluded Tags" filter. Learn more about these changes so you can start using them in your filters!

💃 International Dance Day Updates 💃

04/29/2021Kate Mueller
These enhancements and fixes impact shared content articles, reader approvals, revision history, widget settings, and more!

Updates to editor permissions framework

04/20/2021Kate Mueller
We've released a rewrite of the permissions framework in Article Editor, Category Editor, and the Articles interface. These changes may impact customers using custom roles + custom content categories.

National High Five Day bug fixes ✋

04/15/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with shared content articles, reader welcome emails for approved readers, and table of contents category-hiding logic.

Widget 2.0 Contact Form: now with recaptcha!

04/08/2021Kate Mueller
We've added reCAPTCHA V3 to the Contextual Help Widget 2.0 Contact tab. It's automatically added for customers with KO subdomains; those with private domains will need to add their own reCAPTCHA key.

Nat'l No Housework Day bug fixes 🐜

04/07/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with searching the Readers page, app login security tokens, and glossary definitions containing hyperlinks.

Nat'l Close the Gap Day (AUS) bug fixes

03/18/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with article caching, numeric permalinks, and Modern Widget, plus streamline the interface of the bulk reader Import Options screen.

Readers page: Now with filters and other delights 🎁

03/17/2021Kate Mueller
We gave the Readers page a Manage Articles-style makeover, adding standard and custom filters, a more nuanced CSV export, and some more streamlined workflows.

National Get Over It Day Bugfixes 🐛

03/09/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with child shared content articles in topic display categories and smooth some rough edges on the new Archived status.

Glossary page now handles numbers

03/08/2021Kate Mueller
Glossaries containing terms that begin with 0-9 now have top-of-page navigation and appear in the appropriate section.

National I Want You to be Happy Day bug fixes + feature enhancements

03/03/2021Kate Mueller
Today's release has feature enhancements to set the lang attribute for your KB + author in-app password reset; bug fixes for custom content category deletes + glossary term HTML in search results.

New feature: Archived Publishing Status 📁

02/25/2021Kate Mueller
We've added an Archived publishing status to help you better classify unpublished content.

🌶 National Chili Day bug fixes 🌶

02/25/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with New Articles caching; character encoding in contact form reporting, webhook query strings, and Account details; author team bulk deletes; and copying a KB.

New feature: Show glossary terms in search results

02/24/2021Kate Mueller
You can now opt to display matching glossary terms and their definitions in your search results!

Mars Rover landing day 🚀 bug fixes

02/18/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with category landing pages with recovered articles, the New Articles page, shared content article messages with internal article titles, and editor callout behavior.

Author dropdown now limited to authors assigned to the KB

02/11/2021Kate Mueller
Author lists now only include authors who are currently assigned to the knowledge base.

SAML SSO authors: new welcome email

02/11/2021Kate Mueller
New authors set to author login type "SAML login via knowledge base" will now receive welcome emails with their SAML login URLs.