07/29/2021Kate Mueller
Learn about the new article thumbnail and banner fields and how to add them to your knowledge base layout. (Also learn about hidden category icons.)
07/28/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with copying a knowledge base, article blurb settings changes, article blurb performance, and author team restrictions.
07/27/2021Kate Mueller
The Searches with no Results report will now track if the searcher is a member of any reader groups or if they have refined their search to specific categories only.
07/20/2021Kate Mueller
You can now restore deleted files from the File Library.
07/20/2021Kate Mueller
In the editor, the tags and search phrases fields now have a copy icon, and you can paste comma-separated lists of each into the field and they will properly parse/create the correct tags/phrases.
07/20/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with article view tracking and reporting in the widgets, Manage articles, the Readers page, and glossary terms in search results in Widget 2.0.
07/19/2021Kate Mueller
You can now set the New, Popular, Updated, and Related Articles lists to display anywhere from 1-10 articles, instead of all always being set to 5!
07/09/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with shared content articles and Link to article, topic display categories, and copied knowledge bases.
07/08/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Link to Article on Deleted/Archived articles, Widget 2.0 contact form, Contact Form Reporting pagination, and custom font URL sanitation.
07/02/2021Pete Grigg
In Settings > Security, you can now enable server side HTTP Response Headers to your knowledge base to improve security.
07/02/2021Pete Grigg
You can now create a new snippet by copying an existing one.
07/02/2021Pete Grigg
These fixes address bugs with Widget 2.0, accessibility attributes for buttons, tag and file label deletions, article blurbs, and one of our contact us links.
06/17/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with custom content category versions, Widget 2.0 anchors, Standard PDF export, and copying knowledge bases.
06/17/2021Kate Mueller
We're proud to share a much more attractive and detailed article revision comparison display and updated documentation to go with it!
06/16/2021Kate Mueller
These feature enhancements add a category column to Manage Articles, add search-less contact form submissions to Contact Form Reporting, and change the update times for the Popular Articles Report.
06/15/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with knowledge base performance, shared/synced articles and categories, article editor copy/paste, Manage Articles filters, and the UI wording for editing synonyms.
06/10/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with reader groups, the Zendesk Contact Form integration, secure file library, Widget 2.0 snippets, and redirect articles.
06/02/2021Kate Mueller
Direct links to files stored in knowledge bases with Secure File Library storage enabled will now prompt end-users to login to the knowledge base instead of throwing an Access Denied error.
06/02/2021Kate Mueller
This change makes it easy to copy the URL or directly view a version that's been Made Visible to Groups.
06/01/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with HTML and PDF exports, author team deletions, Google SMTP relay settings, the contextual help widgets and shared content categories.