Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

Article banners and thumbnails oh my!

07/29/2021Kate Mueller
Learn about the new article thumbnail and banner fields and how to add them to your knowledge base layout. (Also learn about hidden category icons.)

Buffalo Soldiers Day Bug Fixes

07/28/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with copying a knowledge base, article blurb settings changes, article blurb performance, and author team restrictions.

Feature Update: Searches with no Results Report adds reader groups and refined categories

07/27/2021Kate Mueller
The Searches with no Results report will now track if the searcher is a member of any reader groups or if they have refined their search to specific categories only.

New feature: Restore deleted files in File Library 📁

07/20/2021Kate Mueller
You can now restore deleted files from the File Library.

Editor update: Tags & search phrases now support comma-separated lists and copy/paste

07/20/2021Kate Mueller
In the editor, the tags and search phrases fields now have a copy icon, and you can paste comma-separated lists of each into the field and they will properly parse/create the correct tags/phrases.

Int'l Chess Day♟bug fixes

07/20/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with article view tracking and reporting in the widgets, Manage articles, the Readers page, and glossary terms in search results in Widget 2.0.

Feature update: New, Updated, Popular, and Related Article widget limits now adjustable!

07/19/2021Kate Mueller
You can now set the New, Popular, Updated, and Related Articles lists to display anywhere from 1-10 articles, instead of all always being set to 5!

Nat'l Sugar Cookie Day 🍪 bug fixes

07/09/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with shared content articles and Link to article, topic display categories, and copied knowledge bases.

Nat'l 🎮 Video Game Day bug fixes

07/08/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Link to Article on Deleted/Archived articles, Widget 2.0 contact form, Contact Form Reporting pagination, and custom font URL sanitation.

Set more HTTP security headers

07/02/2021Pete Grigg
In Settings > Security, you can now enable server side HTTP Response Headers to your knowledge base to improve security.

Feature enhancement for snippets: copy existing snippet

07/02/2021Pete Grigg
You can now create a new snippet by copying an existing one.

Nat'l 🥃 Anisette Day bug fixes

07/02/2021Pete Grigg
These fixes address bugs with Widget 2.0, accessibility attributes for buttons, tag and file label deletions, article blurbs, and one of our contact us links.

Nat'l Eat your 🥬 Vegetables 🥕 Day bug fixes

06/17/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with custom content category versions, Widget 2.0 anchors, Standard PDF export, and copying knowledge bases.

Revision history comparison: now with more detail and raw HTML!

06/17/2021Kate Mueller
We're proud to share a much more attractive and detailed article revision comparison display and updated documentation to go with it!

Feature enhancements for Manage and Reporting

06/16/2021Kate Mueller
These feature enhancements add a category column to Manage Articles, add search-less contact form submissions to Contact Form Reporting, and change the update times for the Popular Articles Report.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Bug Fixes

06/15/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with knowledge base performance, shared/synced articles and categories, article editor copy/paste, Manage Articles filters, and the UI wording for editing synonyms.

Nat'l Iced Tea Day 🧊☕ bug fixes

06/10/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with reader groups, the Zendesk Contact Form integration, secure file library, Widget 2.0 snippets, and redirect articles.

Secure file library: now with direct authentication for file URLs

06/02/2021Kate Mueller
Direct links to files stored in knowledge bases with Secure File Library storage enabled will now prompt end-users to login to the knowledge base instead of throwing an Access Denied error.

Feature enhancement: View & copy version URL from editor

06/02/2021Kate Mueller
This change makes it easy to copy the URL or directly view a version that's been Made Visible to Groups.

Nat'l Say Something Nice Day bug fixes

06/01/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with HTML and PDF exports, author team deletions, Google SMTP relay settings, the contextual help widgets and shared content categories.