11/03/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with default category subcategory display and update the knowledge base copying behavior.
10/28/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with the Glossary page search and pagination and the create version / unsaved changes pop-up.
10/18/2021Kate Mueller
This release includes bugfixes for editing glossary terms and the reader username merge code, plus Preview Changes for Style Settings, a new create version workflow, and a new body merge code.
10/14/2021Kate Mueller
We've overhauled our entire API docs section and are now using Redoc to display our API spec file. Exciting times here in KO documentation land!
09/30/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Readers CSV exports, Manage Articles search, and PDF indexing for search.
09/21/2021Kate Mueller
We've added a setting so that searching "glossary" helps direct readers to your glossary page, and added in-line edit and delete options when you're editing the glossary directly.
09/21/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with the Popular Articles report, article banners/thumbnails, Widget 2.0, Contact Form, Article Editor, session timeouts, and shared content categories.
09/09/2021Kate Mueller
This enhancement adds drag and drop reordering for Related Articles.Fixes address bugs with shared content articles, the Popular Articles report, Manage filters, and comment notification emails.
09/07/2021Kate Mueller
We've made changes to the infrastructure that powers our background jobs, such as bulk edits, subscription notification emails, comment digest emails, article views tracking, and more.
09/01/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Manage articles bulk edits, the Reporting Dashboard summary and CSV downloads, and reader bulk approvals.
08/24/2021Kate Mueller
Widget 2.0 iframes get titles for accessibility, glossary alternate title becomes display title, and wording tweaks for inherited reader groups and reader groups in the editor.
08/23/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with file uploads in the legacy editor, article search in Manage Articles, and glossary term on-hover display. We also updated shared content category editing permissions.
08/12/2021Kate Mueller
We've added options to approve and deny pending requests and grant/remove access to knowledge bases and reader groups in bulk.
08/12/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with toggling category types, category landing pages, several CSV exports, and add an Author ID column to the Authors CSV export.
08/05/2021Kate Mueller
We've renamed Article Widgets to Article Lists, added a configurable limit for the Recent Articles List, and added last activity, last login, and create dates to the reader profile page.
08/05/2021Kate Mueller
We've added visual feedback on edited permalink validity and a new feature that automatically detects edits to permalinks and prompts you to save the old permalink as an old link redirect.
08/04/2021Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with glossary alternate titles, the custom content category editor toggle, and blog style categories in Widget 2.0.
08/03/2021Kate Mueller
SSO configuration is now in its own Settings menu, and you can create custom rules to handle mapping values from your IdP to KnowledgeOwl. Plus a few other tweaks we hope you'll like. :)
07/29/2021Kate Mueller
When you delete an individual article, you'll now be prompted to redirect that URL to an existing article. Automated old links set-up!
07/29/2021Kate Mueller
Contextual Help Widget 2.0 now respects Contact Form multi email options and label (and we fixed a bug with the contact form subject line typeahead search, too!)