Updated Articles

  1. PDF Merge Codes

    See the merge codes available for use in the Standard PDF export, Custom PDF exports, and individual article PDFs.
  2. Use Widget 2.0 for Contextual Help: Recommend on Pages

    Learn how to have our Contextual Help Widget recommend content based on the specific page an end-user opens it from.
  3. Only play GIFs while hovering

    Learn how to use the Freeze Frame plugin to only play GIFs on hover in your articles.
  4. Optimize your homepage

    Your knowledge base homepage is the most important page to optimize for SEO. This is what people will see first coming up in the search results page.
  5. Pagination

    Pagination allows your readers to view all possible search results. By default, we return the top 20 articles ranked by relevance.  If you enable pagination, we will display the total search results beneath the search bar and allow the reader ...
  6. Open widget to specific tab

    Use the methods here to open the widget to a specific tab.
  7. Other merge codes

    These merge codes can be used in Custom HTML but also in individual articles, categories, etc. See usage notes: Template Merge Code Description Usage [template(" object-id ")] The "object-id" merge code can ...
  8. Open widget to a specific article or category

    Use the openArticle and openCategory methods to open the widget to a specific article or category in your knowledge base.
  9. Page Breakdown

    Once you click Page Breakdown from the Search Activity section, you'll see a breakdown of searches completed on that particular page. For widget contact form searches, this can help identify articles you might want to set up as recommended ...
  10.  How to get the most from glossary (Oct.26th)

    Join us at 2pm EDT for a session on how to structure your glossary terms and definitions to get the most from glossary functionality.