Release notes

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A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

New Widget 2.0 method: Reset

09/19/2023Kate Mueller
We've added a reset method to Widget 2.0 so you can programmatically clear the widget's contents before feeding something new in.

📨 New SMTP option: Microsoft OAuth2

09/16/2023Kate Mueller
We've added support for Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP.

❗We've moved SMTP configurations to Your Account!

09/16/2023Kate Mueller
We've migrated all existing SMTP configurations into a new SMTP menu in Your Account to make creating, maintaining, using, and auditing SMTP services easier.

Customize Text: Article Lists

09/05/2023Kate Mueller
We've added the New, Popular, Updated, Recent, and Favorites article lists to the Customize Text Tool!

🍋Nat'l Lemon Juice Day bugfixes

08/29/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Font Awesome icons in PDFs and the editor, tag search, and readers' group membership display.

🎤New feature drop: Tools > Advanced Search

08/08/2023Kate Mueller
Meet the newest addition to our Tools menu: Advanced Search. Search full article HTML using exact match or regex patterns to generate a list of relevant articles.

Reporting > Contact Form: Now with exports

08/08/2023Kate Mueller
We've added a Search Activity CSV export to Reporting > Contact Form.

🍉Nat'l Watermelon Day bugfixes

08/03/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with versions, rearranging categories, and updating the knowledge base welcome to text.

Nat'l Wine 🍷 and Cheese 🧀 Day bugfixes

07/25/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with the Snippet Editor and Minimalist theme.

Behind the scenes updates

07/19/2023Kate Mueller
We released upgrades to client-side code libraries we use to keep KnowledgeOwl running smoothly. None of them should impact your live knowledge base, but you may need to hard refresh in the app.

😌Nat'l Simplicity Day bugfixes

07/12/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with the Readers CSV export, Search settings, and Search reindexing.

Customize Text: Glossary title

07/12/2023Kate Mueller
Use Customize Text to change the title of the Glossary page, which means you can now totally rebrand Glossary to some other term of your choice!

Users are dead: long live AUTHORS!

07/11/2023Kate Mueller
We've renamed users to authors and user teams to author teams to avoid confusion. Long live authors!

Category icons: Now with background colors and descriptions!

07/11/2023Kate Mueller
We've added some fun changes to category icons, including category icon backgrounds and the option to display category descriptions!

🌠Int'l Asteroid Day bugfixes

06/30/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with snippet references, favicons, the Reporting Dashboard, and the copy knowledge base process.

🏠 Nat'l Work From Home Day bugfixes

06/29/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with the article editor and Manage bulk edit.

API change: Article endpoint prevent_searching field now proper boolean

06/28/2023Kate Mueller
We updated the article endpoint's prevent_searching field to store proper boolean true/false values. This change may impact API integrations or calls you're using.

Automatic Related Articles just got smarter

06/06/2023Kate Mueller
Related Articles automatic suggestions just got smarter; you can now choose to only automatically suggest content within the same top-level category.

Nat'l 🪀Yo-Yo🪀Day bugfixes

06/06/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with iframes in PDF exports, Content Security Policy Settings, and versions made visible to groups in the table of contents.

Customize Text Tool: Article template (and some rearranging!)

05/27/2023Kate Mueller
We've added many of the article text strings into the Customize Text Tool, and had to migrate some Ratings and Comments text strings over to the tool.