Release notes

A record of all notable changes made to KnowledgeOwl since March 15, 2017.
You can also view our roadmap to see some of our largest upcoming projects.

Font updates

05/01/2023Kate Mueller
We've shifted from using Google Fonts API to hosting fonts ourselves, added 7 new fonts, and updated our pre-built Font Pairs.

Introducing the new Help menu 📃

04/26/2023Kate Mueller
We've turned our in-app Help link into a full dropdown menu with more options.

Nat'l Skipping Day bugfixes

04/24/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with widget reporting, widget settings, and mobile display of subcategory icon panels.

Run your own search reindex

04/20/2023Kate Mueller
You can now trigger a search reindex in your knowledge base without making other search setting changes.

New topic display category option: Tabs layout!

04/18/2023Kate Mueller
We've added a tabs display option for topic display categories, and made a few changes to the layout of the category editor to help handle that change.

🌯 Nat'l Burrito day bugfixes

04/06/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with tel: links in the Broken Links Report, logo images in secure file library, right-clicking links in Widget 2.0, and the Widget openArticle function.

Recent outages at KnowledgeOwl

04/03/2023Kate Mueller
We've had some questions about our recent outages. Here, we address those in a bit more detail.

Manatee Appreciation Day bugfixes

03/29/2023Kate Mueller
We've added more Linus to in-app callouts and fixed bugs relating to the article editor category look-up and New Relic browser agent.

New: Category icons default color

03/27/2023Kate Mueller
You can now set the default color for category icons.

New service available: Purge all deleted files

03/22/2023Kate Mueller
You can now request a full purge of all your deleted files from our support team.

Nat'l Get Over It Day bugfixes

03/09/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address issues with search indexing, Exports access, snippet references, reader exports, the table of contents, and more.

Broken Links Report: Now with less noise

03/09/2023Kate Mueller
The Broken Links Report now ignores mailto: and javascript: links.

Article Favorites: Now in the table of contents

02/27/2023Kate Mueller
You can now add Article Favorites to your table of contents by checking a box--no code or HTML required!

New topic display option: Intro article

02/14/2023Kate Mueller
Topic display categories now have an option so you can set the first article to function as an introduction to the category, displaying its full text above the other controls, even Accordion.

🍕 Nat'l Pizza day bugfixes

02/09/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address issues with Manage articles with Exclusive reader groups and make small edits to some in-app wording. 😉

Customize Text Tool: Now with Top Navigation

02/07/2023Kate Mueller
We've added the Top Navigation to the Customize Text Tool so you can easily customize the Contact Us, Login/Logout links, and more!

Nat'l Fro Yo Day🍦bugfixes

02/06/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with Article Favorites, File References, the article-tags template, private domain root paths, and changes to reader group order.

New subcategory display option: Icon panels!

02/02/2023Kate Mueller
You can now set categories to display their subcategories with icon panels!

Nat'l Serpent Day bugfixes & updates

02/01/2023Kate Mueller
These fixes address bugs with homepage File References, Broken Link Checker, version notes in shared content articles, and wording consistency.

API article and category endpoint updates

01/24/2023Kate Mueller
We added better validation and messaging to PUT and POST calls on article and category endpoints, and updated their boolean fields to use proper boolean rather than strings.